Exam 1st kyu

On Wednesday 25 Ocotber, Jelle past his 1st kyu exam. This exam took place in our dojo in Utrecht. Thanks to all who helped in the preparations and during the exam. Again, congratulations!

Categorized as Promotions

Exam 4th kyu

On Thursday 15 September, Alice past her 4th kyu exam. This exam took place in our dojo in Utrecht. Thanks to all who helped in the preparations and during the exam. Again, congratulations!

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Sander promoted to aikido teacher level 4

On February 26th 2022, Sander has completed his education at Aikido Nederland for aikido teacher level 4 with a practical exam. He is now a by the NOC*NSF governmental recognized aikido teacher level 4. Thanks for the guidance, contributions and effort from Dick Willems, Piet Lagerwaard, Ruud van Ginkel, Harry van der Horst, Wilko Vriesman,… Continue reading Sander promoted to aikido teacher level 4

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Exams 2nd and 6th kyu

On Wednesday 23 February, Jelle and Nathalie past their 2nd kyu exams. Furthermore, on 13 December 2021, Vicky pasted her 6th kyu exam. These exams took place in our dojo in Utrecht. Thanks to all who helped in the preparations and during the exam. Again, congratulations!

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Sander fifth dan

Our head teacher Sander van Geloven has been promoted to fifth dan aikikai aikido on January 9 2022 during the Aikido Hombu Dojo’s Kagamibiraki Ceremony 2022. This was led by Moriteru Ueshiba doshu and could be watched live online. This promotion is on nomination by his teacher Michele Quaranta shihan, seventh dan. See also the… Continue reading Sander fifth dan

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Exam 1st kyu

On Wednesday 14 October, Hans Vink past his 1st kyu exam. This exam took place in our dojo in Utrecht. Thanks to all who helped in the preparations and during the exam. Again, congratulations!

Categorized as Promotions