Try aikido for free

Welcome to Sanshinkai Aikido Utrecht, where we provide expert aikido training in a secure and welcoming environment. Aikido is a Japanese martial art that is suitable for individuals of all ages and abilities, regardless of their athletic experience. Our dedicated team of instructors is passionate about teaching aikido and creating a supportive community of practitioners.… Continue reading Try aikido for free

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Member interview with Jan

name Jan age 65+ grew up in Utrecht aikido since 1997 rank 2nd dan How did you come into contact with aikido? I read an article about a martial artist who attended an aikido demonstration. Anyone who wanted to could take on the demonstrator. The martial artist was going to teach the guy a lesson.… Continue reading Member interview with Jan

Seminar Michele Quaranta with dan exams

Michele Quaranta (7th dan Shihan) gave a seminar in Aikidocentrum Zeist from Friday, November 29 to Sunday, December 1. Dan exams were held on Saturday, November 30. Sander van Geloven, 5th dan shidoin, examined our members: Yo-Yi and Jan for their 2nd dan and Jelle for his shodan. Michele Quaranta examined Samir from Aikido Leidsche… Continue reading Seminar Michele Quaranta with dan exams

Categorized as Promotions

Exam 6th kyu

On Saturday 6 July, Sven past his 6th kyu exam. This exam took place in our dojo in Utrecht. Thanks to all who helped in the preparations and during the exam. Again, congratulations!

Categorized as Promotions