Try aikido for free

Welcome to Sanshinkai Aikido Utrecht, where we provide expert aikido training in a secure and welcoming environment. Aikido is a Japanese martial art that is suitable for individuals of all ages and abilities, regardless of their athletic experience. Our dedicated team of instructors is passionate about teaching aikido and creating a supportive community of practitioners.… Continue reading Try aikido for free

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Categorized as Acties

Start children’s aikido

On Saturday morning, 31th of August, children’s aikido starts for the school year 2024/2025 at Sanshinkai Aikido Utrecht. There will be a weekly training for children from 6 until 9 years from 10:30 – 11:30 and for children from 9 until 13 years there is a training from 11:30 – 12:45. More info is here.

Categorized as Kinderaikido

Exam 6th kyu

On Saturday 6 July, Sven past his 6th kyu exam. This exam took place in our dojo in Utrecht. Thanks to all who helped in the preparations and during the exam. Again, congratulations!

Categorized as Promotions

(Nederlands) Examen 4e kyu

On Wednesday 29 May, Vicky past her 4th kyu exam. This exam took place in our dojo in Utrecht. Thanks to all who helped in the preparations and during the exam. Again, congratulations!

Categorized as Promotions

Exams children’s aikido

On Saturday 25 May we had exams children’s aikido for 12th until 9th kyu and everybody passed. This exam took place in our dojo in Utrecht. Thanks to all who helped in the preparations and during the exam. Again, congratulations!

Categorized as Promotions