Training with Jelena Vrzić, 28 May

Jelena Vrzić, 6<sup>th</sup> dan” width=”300″ height=”185″ class=”alignright size-medium wp-image-501″ />On <strong>Thursday 28 May, 7:30 – 9:30 pm,</strong> we organise a training with Jelena Vrzić sensei, the first woman to receive shodan in the former Republic of Yugoslavia. Her classes are characterised by a strong emphasis on breathing techniques, aiawase and working with jo and bokken. With her experience of over 30 years of aikido, her focus on technical souplesse and her kind and inspirational words for everyone, from beginner to advanced aikido, she is a cherished and very welcome guest at our club.</p>
<p>The training with Jelena Vrzić sensei is open to all. Admission fee: €5.00. Please pay at the door (cash only) and arrive in time (7.15 pm).</p>
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