On Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 October we organise a seminar with Jelena Vrzić sensei, 5th dan. She started practising aikido in 1979 in Belgrade, Serbia. She was the first woman to receive shodan in the former Yugoslavia. Now, after more than 30 years of continuous and dedicated training, she will be giving a seminar… Continue reading Seminar met Jelena Vrzić, 15 and 16 October
David Tesselaar as guest teacher
On 11th and 15th of August David Tesselaar has led the trainings as guest teacher. He is dojocho of Yuki Mizu Kumo, a befriended group in Amsterdam. He himself trains with Domenico Zucco sensei, 6th dan, and Hiroshi Tada sensei, 9th dan. In the trainings also some basics for the 38 jo kata were practised.
Jubilee seminar 5 years dojo Neuchâtel
On the 21st and 22nd of May some of us were at the jubilee seminar of Ecole d’Aïkido de Neuchâtel. We are good friends with this group from Switzerland which is guided by Eric Graf. Also our teacher Sander van Geloven was one of the international guest teachers to lead a training.
Members’ Day 2011
Like every year, also this year was a members’ day in the month of May. On a sunny Sunday afternoon of the 8th, we practised outdoor the first kata of Ikeda sensei. After having done an intensive training we closed the members’ day with a healthy barbecue.
Seminar in Serbia with Domenico Zucco, 6th dan
Jelena Vrzić, 5th dan from Belgrade, Serbia, had invited at the end of April aikidoka from the Netherlands, e.g. from our group Sanshinkai Aikido Utrecht and Yuki Mizu Kumo. We were welcomed with enormous hospitality and have participated with great pleasure in the seminar of Domenico Zucco, 6th dan from Italy.
Training with Jelena Vrzić, 5th dan
Yuki Mizu Kumo from Amsterdam had invited Jelena Vrzić from Belgrade, Serbia, to the Netherlands. On Thursday evening the 10th of March a joined training at Sanshinkai Aikido Utrecht was held. It was a delight to welcome this sensei again and receive guests from different groups in Amsterdam and Utrecht.